About Us
The company Petronautic Ltd. was established at St. Petersburg in June 2006 on basis of group of brokers who worked before in another brokers house and were well known in shipping market. That time Mikhail Kuprin and Alexander Privalov each had over 30 year experience in shipping and shipbuilding including more then 10 years in sale & purchase, newbuilding contracting and sea towages. Other brokers were younger but qualified specialists as well.
Today company staff consists of four specialist ship brokers supported by skilled office personnel and they all together are the backbone for Petronautic success.
On behalf of clients, the Petronautic handles and controls the sales procedures for new and second hand merchant vessels of many types, sizes, ages and flags. The company's workscope also includes the negotiation and contractual detailing for new building vessels with Russian and foreign shipyards, as well as discreet advisory/consultant/evaluation services for ship owners and operators.